
In-house developers
Proprietary visibility apps

Supply Chain
Resilient and adaptable solutions that connect shippers to their entire supply chain, providing complete real-time visibility, control and intelligence
Purchase order management
- Purchase Order Fulfilment process down to SKU level
- End-to-end visibility of the purchase order lifecycle
- Vendor management
- Document management
Track & Trace
- Multi-modal / multi-leg visibility
- Access to key event and milestone data
- Map-view shipment tracking
- Customisable shipment alert management
Consignment Management
- Delivery booking request management
- Booking status monitoring
- Arrival / Free time monitoring
- Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) capability
Cognitive data extraction and contextualisation, using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning that optimises data capture and application processing

CuDoS (Customs documentation Solutions)
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning CuDoS is accelerating the conversion of analogue data, processing and submitting customs declarations to HMRC within 30 minutes of documents receipt, with over 99% processing accuracy.
- Digital clearance instructions platform
- Customs status monitoring & visibility
- Customs documentation management & repository

Tailor-made applications
As business evolves we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible, by collaborating with customers, as technologists, design partners and innovators, for the brighter future ahead – together.
- Custom-built solutions for specific business process management requirements
- Applications range from Booking Management, Asset Management & Maintenance, Process Management & reporting
- Conception, design, development and support

Sustainable supply chains
The highest environmental standards are expected and it is now critical that businesses can account for their actions. With MVT ECO shippers can forecast, measure, avoid or offset global supply chain emissions for every shipment, by every transport mode, end-to-end.
- Accredited emission measurements
- All modes of transport and shipment legs
- Emissions footprint statements
- Latest environmental technology deployed