July UK border updates – consistent trade with the EU Bloc
The government, who would like your feedback on UK border controls, have announced an unexpected border easement, but another one that nearly a quarter of a million traders would welcome is unlikely to happen.
Customs Declaration Service
The customs handling of import and export freight system (CHIEF) has been in use by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for nearly 30 years and is being replaced from the 30th September 2022.
Metro clients will be migrated onto the CDS platform and will maintain the same support currently provided by our export, import and off service brokerage teams, but they must be registered to use CDS.
With just three months to go HMRC recently contacted 220,000 businesses, to urge them to move over to CDS, because it takes time to move across, depending on the size and nature of their business and they must start the process now to ensure they are fully set up ahead of the 30th September deadline.
Effective from last Tuesday all new registrations must be made on the Customs Declaration Service, because CHIEF is closing for import declarations on the 30th September and HMRC needs time to ensure that the shutdown proceeds in an orderly manner.
It consequently appears extremely unlikely that the September switch-off date for CHIEF, for UK imports, will be postponed and the date is now set in stone.
Brokerage manager, Andy Fitchett, “We’re ahead of the curve, hiring 35 brokers to ready us for the CDS launch, with procedures, processes and training in place. We’re going through the process of getting our clients onboard now, and our aim is to have this done by August, so we can spend September organising any stragglers.
Safety and security easements
On the 1st July HMRC introduced four new border easements, focused around the submission of safety and security (S&S) information and designed to simplify the movement of vehicles taking goods into and out of the UK.
The announced changes will benefit hauliers, because they will not be burdened with the administration of creating documentation for the port of departure and will benefit the ports of departure in the UK because the haulier can move through the port unheeded.
The quicker circulation of vehicles does means that equipment should be available to shippers faster.
Border users survey
The government’s 2025 UK Border Strategy is intended to make the UK border the most effective in the world, embracing innovation and simplified processes and your experiences will help them understand how the border can be improved.
With improved security and biosecurity, the ambition is to make border documentation digital, to reduce complexity for traders and the border industry.
The new Target Operating Model will set out the transformative programme that will digitise the border; harnessing new technologies and data to reduce friction and costs for businesses and consumers.
The government’s border users survey aims to understand how the experience of the border can be improved through digitisation of government or trade documentation and processes.
Our customs brokerage team have been processing live entries through CDS and our CuDoS automated customs platform has been updated for and integrated with CDS for nationwide declarations, at any point of entry or exit.
Metro are at the forefront of UK/EU customs brokerage solutions, with our automated CuDoS declaration platform and a dedicated team of customs experts, reacting swiftly to any changes in the UK’s trading relationship with the EU.
To learn how we can simplify and automate customs declarations for your businesses, please contact Elliot Carlile to talk through the options.